Exposure is extremely important for charities. So here, Director of TFH Gazebos Richard Cutmore offers his advice for standing out.
Fundraising events are the backbone of any charity. But, with nearly 170,000 registered charities in the UK (gov.uk), it is important to have a strong brand identity to help you stand out from the crowd. So, below are my tips for making the most of the interest in your fundraiser and gaining as much brand exposure as possible.
Start as early as possible
The best way to ensure lots of interest in your next fundraiser is to start generating a buzz as far ahead of time as possible. This is where social media can really come in useful, as you can share posts about your preparations for the event, raising awareness of what’s taking place and encouraging people to get involved. Try to set up a hashtag that other people can use to engage with your posts: that way, word about the fundraiser can travel even further.
Network with other charities
Get your brand known amongst other charities by contacting them through social media or approaching them in person at industry gatherings. You could end up collaborating on projects together or, at the very least, get some tips on how to stand out. Having good relationships with other charities also means that you’re more likely to hear about opportunities to represent your cause and receive invitations to exclusive events. And, you may even find you receive more donations through referrals.
Work on your branding
Branding is your charity’s identity and it is how people perceive your cause, so you’ve got to make it appealing enough for people to want to donate. Plus, good branding can also give you more opportunities to spread awareness, which can lead to even more donations.
Image, tone of voice, and even colour scheme can make a charity more compelling, but the most important thing to include is a human element. The best charities reach their audience at an emotional level, so try to keep your mission at the heart of everything you do.
Make your charity visible at the event
Take with you as many banners, flags, and bunting as possible that have been printed with your name, logo, and colour scheme. This way, your brand will really catch people’s eyes and have a professional feel, so attendees will feel more compelled to donate. Plus, even if they don’t have time to stop by on the day, they can still get all the necessary information about your cause at a glance and remember it for later.
Connect with your donors
Attendees will already be sympathetic to your mission, but they’ll just appreciate more information about the charity and what you do before they can donate. So, have representatives interact with the crowd at your event. They should be passionate, fully educated about the charity, and able to answer any questions in order to generate donations.
You’ll also need one or two tables or gazebos that can act as information points, so that potential donors can approach you rather than wait for a representative. Create a lasting impression by giving away small items of branded merchandise, such as pens or wristbands, and attendees can take some of your branding home with them too.
The tips in this guide can help you to gain more brand exposure at your next fundraiser, raising awareness and bringing in more donations as a result.
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