Does your company want to make more of an effort to fundraise for charity? Great, we’re here to help! We’ve put together 60 ideas for how your workplace can get together and raise money for a cause you care about. Whether you try them all or only a couple, everything you do will make a big difference to the charity you’re fundraising for.
- Activity marathon — Dream up an activity coworkers can try to do for 24 straight hours, and stream it live or get the local news to cover it. Dance marathons are probably the best and funniest to try. #bustamove
- Treasure hunt — Use an app like Actionbound to set up a treasure hunt that combines an IRL (in real life) experience with augmented reality on a device. Next level. Definitely one for the office geek squad!
- Beer run. Like a pub crawl, but with more urgency. After work (of course) stop at bars along a popular route. Said bars donate their brews for a good cause.
- Dare fundraiser. Sponsor a social dare contest in which staff members agree to do outlandish things if sponsors contribute a certain amount of money.
- Lunch Time Food Truck Rodeo. You simply need a parking area, a permit, and a handful of local food trucks willing to attend. Charge for entrance, and the food trucks can still charge their normal prices inside. Attendance money & perhaps some food truck donations can all go to a charity of your choice.
- Staff Yoga with Pets. From goats to kittens, animal-themed yoga classes are all the rage right now. Team up with a local animal shelter or petting zoo who will provide the animals to help spread awareness of their own cause. Office members pay for the class and the money could go to the shelter.
- Ugly Sweater Party. We all have that one horrible sweater a well-intentioned family member knitted us. It’s time to put it to good use. Everyone donates at the door and winner of the most horrible sweater as voted by the office picks what charity the money goes to.
- Singles Charity Night. Bring dating hopefuls together to honour a cause with activities that tie directly back to your cause: making dog toys for a local animal shelter or cooking meals for the homeless, for instance.
- The Great Office Bake-off. Everyone loves munching on cake and we bet there are several people in your office who love baking it too! Set a date for your bake-off and email your colleagues asking any star bakers to enter the competition. Advertise to everyone else that they can come along, eat cake and judge the winner. Charge people per slice they try and ask them to mark each slice out of 10.
- GoRaise. Send all of your colleagues a link to GoRaise and ask them to start fundraising every time they shop online. It won’t cost you a penny, because all of the cost is covered by the retailer you’re shopping with.
- Quiz Time. Hire out a room in your office (make sure it has a projector screen) and start thinking of quiz questions! Spice it up with a round on music, photos and even company knowledge to really test your colleagues. Ask for donations from everyone who enters.
- Guess The Baby. Ask everyone in the team to send you a baby photo of them and pin the photos up in your main meeting room. Charge a small fee for entry and ask your colleagues to guess which baby is who on a sheet of answer paper. The person with the most correct guesses wins a prize.
- Sports Day. Pick a date, cross your fingers for good weather, and organise a school-style sports day on a grassy area near your office. You can make the activities as serious or as fun as you like – from hurdles to an egg and spoon race – just make sure that there’s something for everyone.
- Company Car Wash. Find some willing teammates who don’t mind rolling their sleeves up and some colleagues with really dirty cars. Ask any interested colleagues to pay a fee upfront (you can also ask for their registration plate at the same time, so you can be sure you’re cleaning the right cars). At lunchtime, put your volunteers to work car washing in the office car park.
- Skill Bidding. Put up an A3 sheet of paper in your office kitchen or staff room and encourage your colleagues to list their skills on there. This could be anything from playing guitar to pottery. Other colleagues can then place bids on receiving a one-hour lesson with that person and their listed skill. This is a great way to share expertise and fundraise at the same time!
- Film Night. Book a room with a projector screen and grab some blankets and film snacks to turn your boardroom into a cinema! You could ask colleagues to vote on which film they’d most like to watch, then charge for entry and all-you-can-eat access to the snacks. (Make sure you have all the legal permissions to screen your movie though, sometimes its complicated)
- Spare Change Bucket. This idea will raise you money throughout the year, with minimal effort from you. Contact the charity you’re fundraising for and ask them for some branded, sealable collection buckets. Then place these in areas of your office that people walk past a lot, like the kitchen, reception and meeting rooms. Colleagues can drop spare change into the buckets whenever they walk past – you’ll be surprised how quickly this adds up! If you don’t have an ID card system or CCTV in your office, you might want to consider locking these collection buckets down so that they couldn’t be taken by someone who gains unauthorised access to the office. It sounds cynical, but it’s better to be safe than sorry!
- Tuck Shop. Everyone has fond memories of the tuck shop at school, so why not recreate it? Order some sweets, chocolate and crisps in bulk (try somewhere like Cash & Carry for discounts) and sell these to your colleagues for a week – or until you run out!
- Bingo. Organise a bingo night and charge all of the entrants a fee to take part. Split the entry money, then give some to the winner and some to charity.
- Dress Down Day. This one works best if your office has a strict dress code and people would love to be more casual for a day. Ask everyone who dresses down to give a small donation, all of which can go straight to your chosen charity.
- Matched Giving. It can be hard work to organise fundraising events at the office, so it seems fair that you get some help in return. Ask your HR department if the company operates a matched giving policy. This is when the company would match the amount of money that you fundraise, therefore doubling your total!
- Guess The Sweets. Fill a jar with sweets and ask your colleagues to guess how many sweets are in the jar. Charge a small fee to enter and give the jar of sweets to whoever guesses the closest number.
- Office Etiquette. Write up a funny list of things you want to stop people in the office from doing, like sending unnecessary emails or going to make tea without offering to get a cup for anyone else. Set a 24-hour ban on any of these things happening and get a donation from anyone who breaks it! Make sure to get permission from the head of your team first and keep the list in good humour.
- Sweepstake. Choose a big sporting event that everyone in the office enjoys watching and discussing, like the Olympics or Wimbledon. Arrange a sweepstake where colleagues draw names from a hat before the event starts. Whoever has the winning name at the end of the sporting event takes half of the entry money.
- Charity Birthdays. If your office is really getting into the fundraising spirit, you could consider swapping birthday celebrations for a charitable donation. So instead of buying cake and a card, give some money to charity in honour of the birthday person.
- Job Swap. Arrange a day where everyone in your team swaps jobs with a colleague. Make sure to run this past HR and your bosses first – it might not be the most productive day for getting work done! Have collection buckets on hand all day for people to make donations.
- Bring and Buy. Ask your team to bring in any unwanted items from home that are still in good condition – clothes, books, DVDs, board games, and children’s toys are all great for this. Price all the items up, book a room for your pop-up store, and invite everyone along for some second-hand shopping. If you’ve got any items left at the end of the day, donate them to a charity shop so that they can benefit too.
- Karaoke Night. Warm up your vocal chords and take the team to a local karaoke night. Charge them a fee on top of the entry money they’d pay and give the fee to charity.
- Raffle. Gather together some fantastic prizes and hold a raffle where people have the chance to win them. Typically in a raffle you would change entrants one or two pounds for a strip of five tickets. If you can’t spend lots of money on raffle prizes, see if local shops and businesses would donate some. You can always include prizes that don’t cost you anything, for example, a week using the best office car park space or a free day of annual leave.
- Packed Lunch Day. Encourage everyone to make their lunch at home for a day and bring in a packed lunch. Ask them to donate what they would have paid at the office cafe or local shop to charity instead.
- Get Cycling. Put the call out for someone to bring an exercise bike into the office and see how long it takes you and your colleagues to cycle the equivalent distance of somewhere in your local area. So if your office is in London, challenge yourselves to cycle the length of the Thames (184 miles)! Anyone who wants to take part can put their name down for a shift and ask their friends and family for sponsorship. Those who don’t fancy getting sweaty in the office can enjoy watching and donating.
- Sponsored Silence. Cut the chatter in the office completely and get your team involved in a sponsored silence for the day. Everyone can ask their friends and family for donations.
- Spa Day. There’s bound to be a budding hair stylist, nail technician, or make-up artist in your team. Advertise their services and ask colleagues to book slots with them one Friday afternoon. This is the perfect way for anyone going out that evening to get glammed up, and you’ll raise money for your chosen charity too.
- Donate Your Pay. Ask some of the managers and directors in your team if they would be happy to donate a day’s pay for your chosen cause. This is a great way for them to get involved if they’re too busy to come along to your other fundraisers.
- Lunch & Learn. Find a few people in your team who have a skill they can share, an interesting story to tell, or even a topic they could run a TED talk on. Ask them to prepare an hour’s session and invite colleagues to make a donation to join in at lunchtime.
- Bacon Butties Breakfast. If people are moaning about the 8am meeting you’ve all been booked into, seize the opportunity for some fundraising! Use the office kitchen to cook up some bacon sandwiches (and a vegetarian/halal alternative) then offer them up to your colleagues for a set donation. Subtract the cost of the ingredients from whatever you raise, then give the rest to charity.
- Exercise Classes. If your office has a gym attached to it, ask one of the trainers to run an exercise class for charity. Charge everyone a little bit more than the class would normally cost, but all of the extra money goes to charity. You could hold a couple of different classes, like yoga, boxing and dance, so that there’s something for everybody to attend.
- Come Dine With Me. Take advantage of departmental rivalry and ask each team to host a lunch. Everyone who joins in can give a donation and rate the lunch out of 10. At the end of the week, tally up the totals and announce the winning team.
- Fancy Dress. Pick a theme and ask everyone to dress up and donate. Why not ask everyone to come into the office dressed as their 15-year-old self for some extra laughs?
- Scavenger Hunt. This one is great around Easter or Christmas time. Hide some themed, edible treats around the office and give each team some clues to try and find them. The fastest team to gather the most items wins and gets to eat what they’ve found.
- Skip The Snacks. If your office has a real sweet tooth, you could try ditching the snacks for a week and donate all the money that you would have spent instead. Try this out in January when people are usually on a health kick anyway, it will give them some added motivation!
- Email Signatures. Set up an online donations page for your chosen cause and include the link in your email signatures. It is a good way to remind internal colleagues why you’re fundraising. Also, you might also get some donations from generous, external contacts!
- Jailbreak. This one works best if you’ve got a willing and well-connected boss. Shut them in the boardroom with only their mobile phone and promise that they can come out once they’ve raised donations from all of their major contacts.
- Silent Disco. Ask everyone to bring along an iPod and hold a silent disco in your meeting room. Dim the lights and get a disco ball involved for extra atmosphere.
- A Close Shave. If your team are particularly good sports, you could organise sponsored waxing for any willing participants. Book a space where you’ll have lots of room for onlookers and keep passing the donation buckets around. Remember to film the event so that all of the sponsors have video evidence!
- Games Night. Whack out any board games you have – Cluedo, Monopoly, Jenga, Twister, the lot – and host an office games night. Split into teams so that everyone gets to have a go on the different games.
- Get Crafty. It’s possible that you have some budding artists in your team that you don’t know about. Put a call out via email for anyone to donate some of their artwork to an office charity auction.
- Swear Jar. Set up a swear jar in the office and any time somebody curses, they need to make a donation. If you’re not an office full of potty-mouths, you could set up a Buzzword Jar instead. Colleagues would need to pay up when they use some of the well-known buzzwords in your corporation.
- Pizza Party. Buy some pizza bases and lots of toppings, then hold a pizza party where everyone can make and eat their own pizza. You might want to make this a weekend activity so that colleagues can bring their children along. Make sure to hold it somewhere that has enough preparation and cooking space.
- Office Olympics. Write down a list of Olympic activities relevant to your office and create an obstacle course that involves them all. The fastest colleague to complete the course is crowned the winner. The activities could be anything from desk chair racing, to photocopying, to unpacking boxes – just make sure it’s within health and safety regulations.
- Afternoon Tea. Prepare some delicious afternoon tea nibbles, such as scones, cakes and finger sandwiches. Charge an entry price to anyone who wants to come along. Decorate the meeting room with bunting and fairy lights if you want to jazz it up a bit.
- Sponsored Pledges. Ask your colleagues to pledge to give something up for a week or a month, in exchange for sponsorship from their teammates. For example, the office chocoholic could give up chocolate and the person who can’t function without a coffee could give up caffeine.
- Bid For The Boss. See if your team leaders and executives would be willing to auction off a lunchtime slot with them. There might be a lot of people in the office keen to spend some time speaking with them and suggesting new ideas for the company!
- Promise Auction. Ask everyone in your office to write down a promise of what they could do for someone else, such as baking them a cake or helping them put up some shelves. Auction off these promises to the highest bidder in the team and donate all of the money to charity.
- Doughnut Day. Did you know that Krispy Kreme sell doughnuts at a discounted price if they’re going to be resold at a charity event? Get your hands on some and sell them to your office colleagues at the recommended retail price. You can donate the difference to charity.
- Swimathon. This works perfectly if your office has a pool and gym attached to it – if not, you can still make this work at a local pool. Decide how long you would like to swim for and split up the lengths between colleagues. Participants can ask their family and friends to sponsor them. Invite people to come and watch and you’ll probably pick up some extra donations on the day – have those collection buckets to hand.
- Wine and Cheese Night. Hold a wine and cheese tasting night after work. You can charge a little more for this than other activities. Also, make sure to cover the cost of buying the wine and cheese! Your colleagues are sure to love it.
- Foreign Coin Exchange. Let all of your colleagues know that you’ll be collecting foreign coins up to give the money to charity. If they’ve got any currency from past holidays, they can give it to you and you’ll exchange it back into pounds to add to the fundraising total.
- Summer BBQ. As the weather gets warmer and the days get longer, a BBQ is the perfect way to fundraise and celebrate summer. So find an outdoor space close to the office and ask everyone to bring a dish and donate some money.
- Picnic. If you don’t have the facilities for a BBQ, then organise a picnic instead. Ask your boss if there is any budget to cover the food – that way you can charge a higher donation to all of your colleagues who come along. Also, you won’t have to subtract any money to cover ingredients.
So there you have it, 60 ways to get your office involved in fundraising for a good cause. Now we want to hear your ideas! What have you tried out in the office that worked really well? Which ideas from this list are you planning to try out with your colleagues? Comment below to tell us.
Have a question about using GoRaise? We are happy to help and chat about how we can help to boost your office fundraising total.
BONUS fundraising tips for your office:
If your office is really keen on regular fundraising, we recommend nominating a few Charity Reps who can take responsibility for organising all of your fundraisers. Every few months, nominate new reps who can take over the role, so that everyone gets the experience and the fun of raising money for charity.
Space out your fundraising events across the year, so that the office doesn’t feel bombarded by them and lose interest in donating. Make sure that the activities you’re organising are fun for everyone to get involved in, as you’ll raise more money that way.
Keep a running total of how much your office has raised and make sure it’s visible to every member of staff. Write it in your email newsletter or on a whiteboard in your kitchen. If everyone knows the total and the difference you’re making to the charity, they’ll be more likely to donate next time.
Get in touch with the charity that you’re fundraising for. They’ll probably want to celebrate the good work that you’re doing. They might even send you some branded merchandise, like stickers and t-shirts, to help with your fundraising.
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I’m a office worker for a airline. We recently baked cookies and planned a raffle to raise money for cancer awareness. Other events we’ve held in the past include a fundraising charity picnic and a quiz night.
Sounds fab Leah! Amazing work! If you wanted to do more on a constant basis sign the office crew up and raise as you shop online using our free fundraising platform :) We have a company sign up option too!
I would recommend reading the following article if you are looking for more ideas to fundraise:
Thanks Kyle
These are some great ideas. We can implement them and make it helpful for everyone.