There’s nothing more rewarding than giving something back to a charity and people in need. It is also a great way to show children how charity works and how helping others can be fun. The question is – how to make sure they will enjoy the fundraising experience? We are here to help and we have put together 10 ways you can involve your children in fundraising:
- Craft sale. How about making some cards or bookmarks with your children? All you need is to get some coloured paper, ribbons, stickers, buttons and some imagination. You can make all different shapes, add stitched details or fabric. Any craft will do! There are lots of ideas for that on Pinterest. Ask your children to chose their favourite one and get your crafty hands on it.

- Bake sale. Nothing beats a good old chocolate brownie and we are sure your children will enjoy being involved in baking. To make it more interesting, make each cupcake different by adding sprinkles, confetti, gummies, choco nibs – you name it! If you need some inspiration, try these super easy baking ideas here. Now make sure to find a place with high foot traffic or organize a bake sale in your school, make a stand to let people know you are fundraising, and you are ready to go.
- Charity runs. You heard it right. If you want to raise money for a good cause, there is no need to run a marathon or climb a mountain Everest. There are many children fun run events all around the UK. Once you chose a charity to support, check if they have any running events happening in your area. Why not make it a little bit more fun and prepare personalized T-shirts together with your children? Write your names on, the name of your team and the charity you are supporting.
- Shop online. Whenever you are buying children clothes, school supplies or your child’s dream toy, you can support a good cause or charity. It is easy with GoRaise – you only need to register and choose your cause. Now every time you shop online, and a percentage of purchases made will be donated to your chosen cause. No need to worry, there are no extra costs only to a retailer.
- Online auction. Here is a fun thing to do – sell your unused toys, clothes or gadgets in an auction online. For example, put some photos of the items for sale on Facebook and set a starting bid. Run an auction for a week and once closed, the highest bidder will be the winner. They can donate the money straight to your fundraising page.
- Trike-a-thon. Want your children to learn something important? Bring educational value to fundraising events. You can organize a trike-a-thon where children learn about bike safety and also raise money. Spread some pamphlets for them to decorate or give away reflectors and you can be sure your children will have lots of fun.
- Go Green. Did you know that each year we throw away 50 million tones of electronic waste? Children must know the impact they can have on the environment and how important it is to recycle. Collect small electronics, batteries, ink cartridges and send it to recycling organization for cash. All proceeds, no matter how big or small, will go to your supported charity. Moreover, being earth-friendly is easy and helps develop a recycling habit from early days.
- Art exhibition. Think outside the box and organize an art exhibition at your school. This can be a great fun for children as they will have a chance to show their creativity and contribute to a charity at the same time. There are many ways to raise money: you can set an entrance fee, auction an art for sale or sell refreshments. Also, you can ask larger institutions to feature their paintings at your school’s exhibition – this can help attract more people to the event.

- Karaoke evening. Get your friends and family together for a sing-along or karaoke evening. Here’s an idea – pick a theme for the evening to make it more interesting. For example, it can be Frozen-themed party, with snowflake-shaped cookies, blue balloons and princess dresses. Charge your guests a small entrance fee, prepare some snacks, set up a list of most popular Frozen songs and let your talent shine through!
- Tea party. Who wouldn’t enjoy a nice cuppa with a delicious piece of cake on a Sunday afternoon? Bake some treats, decorate the room (you can even set up a theme for your tea party) and put on a party for your friends! Ask each guest to donate £2-5 entrance fee that will go to your chosen charity.
So there you go, a list of enjoyable and entertaining fundraising ideas for you and your little ones! Have you ever tried any of these ideas? Or maybe you had a successful fundraising event that your children liked? Share all your thoughts, comments and even pictures – we would love to hear it all!
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