Make a lasting change

For some the 31st December was just another day…for others, it marked a moment in the year when decisions could and would be made about their future. Call them what you want: resolutions, goals, personal development etc.

The fact is many of you will have made a decision about various aspects of your life.
Be it your health, your finances, your career or your impact on others.
All admirable I am sure however, some of us need a little help in achieving these goals.

give back

My resolution this year is simple- donate blood. This may not seem like much but I have found that small steps towards a larger goal work best and I want to improve the impact I have on others in a positive way.

Donating blood is a commitment of 15 minutes, 4 times per year, which, when you look at the grand scheme of things is not a huge commitment but it will have a huge, potentially life saving impact on the lives of those who need it!

That’s why, as well as this, I am also choosing to support Northumbria Blood Bikes by using every time I shop online. You can see more about their work and also choose to support them here:


What I am asking of you?

Not to make a huge commitment…BUT to make a lasting commitment.

When you shop online, do it via GoRaise and allow a good cause (a charity, a sports group, a PTA etc) to benefit from your online purchases.

The commitment? One extra click before you visit a retailer’s site. (The retailer makes the donation to your chosen cause because of your custom- it doesn’t cost you a penny)

The impact: Huge when you think that over £20bn will be spent with our partner retailers in 2016.  If everyone used GoRaise, that’s a staggering £600m in donations that are available.

It’s just a click, and with our new widget, you’ll never miss a donation again! 

Paula Donnelly

Community Manager, GoRaise
