Sim1. People Power – Fundraise Every Time You Shop!
If you’re intending to use your student loan (or your parents money) to buy all the necessities you need for the academic year – E.G. a laptop, stationery, bedding – you can simply buy them through and our 2,500+ listed retailers and you will send pounds to any cause of your choice.
You can even do your weekly supermarket shop, or buy your party drinks, your clothes and even your train tickets home for Christmas, using GoRaise.
Among our retailers are also various holiday and travel companies and concert ticket agencies. Basically, the more you spend by going through GoRaise, the more you give to others.
Why not, ask your admin office to make all of their classroom furniture and equipment purchases through GoRaise, to really maximise potential funds?
Every purchase made with your precious loan can help someone in need every single time, at no extra cost to you.
2. Make Student Fundraising a Team Effort!
Perhaps you’ve just joined a new club or society that needs to pay for kit, tools or venue hire. Club together, make a new Company/Cause page and ask your team members, family, even the lecturers, to shop via GoRaise to direct a percentage of their purchase from the retailer straight to your cause. See our blog on how to get going.
University student unions raise thousands of pounds for charities every year. This type of student fundraising usually goes through the Rag societies (Raise and Give). They are well versed at having schemes in place working with National Student Fundraising Association (NASFA) on events including Rag Week, high street bucket collections, and sponsored anythings…
And if the student unions were to create a GoRaise cause page and ask everyone to get involved with their online shopping contributions, they’d be adding extra pounds to their pot daily. Fundraising made nice and easy, minimal effort for maximum gain.
3. Turn Today Into a Challenge!
Go one step further and set up a Challenge for people to participate in, with one fundraising goal in mind. Together you could walk the National Three Peaks, or Kilimanjaro, or perhaps enter a team for a marathon. There are more options here.
You just set up the page, email that link to friends, families, students and before you can say “Happy Hour” everyone is sending contributions your way. This could work alongside any other fundraising page you set up. The difference with GoRaise is that you’re giving supporters the option of donating money they’ve already spent.
Choose any of the above 3 and get going by registering with us.
You’ve literally nothing to lose, and everything to give.
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