At GoRaise, we like to practice what we preach by supporting the community and the nation’s charities. So, because we share our Campus North, Newcastle office space with other tech startups, it made sense to collectively host a MacMillan “World’s Biggest Coffee Morning” last Friday.
These fundraisers take place on the same day every year, but this was our first. We didn’t need any encouragement to roll up their sleeves in the kitchen ready to cook up an office bake ‘scoff’.

A royal banquet of cakes and pies was devoured by an equally strong turnout of staff, raising £284.63 for the leading cancer support, MacMillan. The charity’s current total (at time of press) was heading towards a whopping £2.3million. All for one day’s “work”. Fantastic job, them! And fantastic job to the hundreds of British businesses and homes who participated on Friday!

If you missed this year’s World’s Biggest Coffee Morning, there’s always next year, anyone can host an event. Or, you could at any time of any day direct retailers’ contributions their way.
(Psst, it doesn’t cost you a bean).
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