Top fundraising ideas for you to try

To ensure you keep the "fun" in fundraising we have decided to compile all the best ideas and offer them up for you and your club, group, church, PTA or sports team to use. Money making doesn't have to be hard. Check out what GoRaise can do for you.

wdt_ID Fundraising idea Fundraising type Potential Time required
1 External Funding Corporate High A bit
2 Competitions Community High Fair
3 Masked Ball Event High A bit
4 Doggy Wash Event Medium A bit
5 Car Wash Event High A bit
6 107 Fundraising ideas Variety High A bit


See all 107 fundraising ideas

External funding

Funding is available to many organisations in the UK through lottery funding. The Big Lottery Fund is one such group who support hundreds of UK community and voluntary causes. Visit their website to find out more about eligibility.



These could take the form of a race, a guess the baby photo contest, a quiz night, a talent contest, a raffle or any of a hundred other fun ideas.

PTA fundraising ideas

Masked Ball

Use a free venue that you either already have access to you can ask to use. Ask a keen member of your group that likes to play music if they will “Spotify Dj” the night and then use social media to put out the word. A masked ball can be really fun as people can buy or make masks, it’s fun, formal and is really easy to organise.


Doggy Wash

You can’t go wrong with a community dog wash. All you need is washing volunteers and have the day at a popular location or local event. Charge something small as more people will want to get involved and ‘wash’ the money pile up (get it?…)

Bake sales

It may not be an original idea, but it sure is popular. Organise a cake morning and bring along delicious treats to sell to friends and family.


Car Wash

Like the doggy wash, a car wash is another super popular money making idea. Volunteers and a popular location is all you need. The cost of setup will quickly be covered and then it’s pure donations and a lot of bubbles.

Car boot sale

Using a car park, that you can use for free through your own or associate’s grounds, hold a car boot sale. Charge entry to the car park per car and have donation buckets on hand to collect any spare change from the shoppers on the day.



Ask for local shops and business to donate prizes and then sell tickets for a raffle. Throw in some bogus prizes to spice things up and even let people swap or steal prizes as part of the fun.

community groups fundraising

Plant sales

Do you have any green fingered gurus among your members? It is easy to nurture a few different species of flower, herb or vegetable plants to adulthood and then sell the plants in small pots at a community sale.


Charity walk or run

Is there a local fun run which your team can undertake for charity? Perhaps even a walk or hill climb, even a pub crawl can be approached as a fundraising challenge.

Make your own lunch

Do you frequently spend £5 a day on lunch in various cafes and sandwich bars? Bring your own lunches to work, and put the money saved towards your cause.


Expert night 

Is there an expert among you who could use their knowledge to help raise funds. This could be an amateur historian willing to donate an evening for a lecture or a whiz with the needles happy to give knitting lessons for free. Whoever your expert is, charge admission for their lessons and sell refreshments on the day.

car washing fundraising ideas

Local sponsorship

Approaching a local business to obtain funds for a specific event of purpose is something that requires very little effort with maximum results. You could offer advertising opportunities to the business and promotion in exchange. All companies like to work on their CSR and you can offer that platform. Win, Win.


Naming rights

Perhaps you are in the position to offer the naming rights of a piece of ground or feature to the highest bidder. This could be excellent publicity for a local company and / or a family who wants to donate to the fund in a significantly high fashion. This works especially well if you’re raising money for a new feature. For example name that new roof or playground after the donor!

Movie nights

Offer an in-house movie night where the local hall or your grounds can be used. The movie could be outdoors for an even greater pull value. You’ll need a projector, sound system and a white wall (sheets can be used for great white wall finishes also).


Dog Walking

Sounds simple, and it is! That’s why it’s a great idea. Offer a community dog walking service. Most people would love the idea of someone taking the responsibility of walking the dog off them once a week at least. That’s where your group comes in.

Charity fundraising ideas

GoRaise helps out a wide range of charities and other good causes.  Medical, animal, education, health and more.  We’ve compiled a list of fun fundraising ideas and tips for all charity types.

Fundraising Ideas for Animal Charities

Fundraising Ideas for Cancer Charities

Fundraising Ideas for CICs

Fundraising Ideas for Charity Shops

Fundraising ideas for Medical Charities

Fundraising Ideas for your Charity

Fundraising ideas for sports clubs

We’ve compiled some fun fundraising tips and ideas for sports clubs.  Whether you are a netball, cricket, football, hockey, swimming, rugby or other type of sports club, there should be a few fundraising ideas for you.  And of course don’t forget about GoRaise which is a great fundraising idea for sports clubs.

Fundraising Ideas for Cricket Clubs

Fundraising Ideas for Football Clubs

Fundraising Ideas for Ice Hockey Clubs

Fundraising Ideas for Netball Clubs

Fundraising Ideas for Rowing Clubs

Fundraising Ideas for Rugby Clubs

Fundraising Ideas for Tennis Clubs

Fundraising Ideas for Bowls Clubs

Fundraising Ideas for Swimming Clubs

Fundraising Ideas for Archery Clubs

Fundraising ideas for your charity challenge

Whatever the challenge, there will hopefully be a few fundraising tips, ideas and hacks for you.  Climbing mountains, running marathons, getting muddy or doing your first triathlon.  Take a look at some of the fundraising ideas to help you reach your target.

Fundraising ideas for Charity Marathon Challenges

Fundraising ideas for your Charity Triathlon

Fundraising Ideas for a Charity Mudrunning Challenge

Fundraising ideas for Charity Climbing Challenges

Fundraising Ideas for Charity Skydiving

Fundraising Ideas for Charity Running Challenges

Fundraising ideas for community groups

If you’re in need of fundraising inspiration, we can help.  We’ve compiled a list of fundraising tips, ideas and hacks to ensure you meet your fundraising target.

Fundraising Ideas for the Scouts and Guides

Fundraising Ideas for your Church

Fundraising Ideas for your PTA