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  2. My Account

My Account

Visit your account area to check donations, add favourite retailers and change any personal details.

When logged into GoRaise, on the top right-hand side of your screen you will see two icons.



The first icon is your favourite retailers, and the second is your name (in this example – Paula).

General Settings

On the top right of your GoRaise dashboard click your name (in this example – Paula).



From here you will see a drop down to click on your name or your cause (in this example the name is Paula and the cause is ‘Example Cause’).



Choose ‘Your account’ in this example and you will be taken to your ‘My Activity’ page.  This is an important page where you can keep a track of all donations you’ve generated.  If for any reason you think you’re missing a donation, please get in touch immediately and we’ll speak to the relevant retailer.


Missing a donation?

If for any reason you think you’re missing a donation, please get in touch immediately and we’ll speak to the relevant retailer.


You can update your personal details such as your name, email address and password by clicking on the ‘Settings’ header.


You can also update your personal social integrations so that we could contact you via facebook or twitter.




Favourite Retailers

When shopping through GoRaise, you will find that you have a number of favourite retailers that you would like to save for the future. This is very easy to do and can save you a lot of time.

When logged into GoRaise, go to the ‘Search Retailers & Products’ bar and type in your favourite retailer. For this example, I am using Currys.


Click on the retailer’s name or logo and then you will see reach their GoRaise page




From here you can easily ‘Add Favourite’ by clicking on the heart to the right of the retailer’s name so you can easily find this retailer in the future.

On the top right-hand side of your screen just click the ‘heart’ icon and it will give you a drop down of all of your favourite retailers.



Just click on the retailer and go shopping!

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