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My Cause account

When running your GoRaise page, it is important for you to be able to maintain the cause page and manage all admin such as payments, total number of supporters and keeping your description updated. The following steps will run through all of this for you.

Finding your cause account details

When you now login to GoRaise, you will see a page like this one:


Click on your name in the top right, and select your cause name to reveal your cause dashboard.

Cause Profile

Once you have clicked on your cause page you will see a number of options to view on your left-hand side. If you click ‘Edit your page’ you’ll be able to change the look and feel of your GoRaise fundraising page.



Select ‘Edit your page’ in the left-hand menu or ‘Edit Page’ from the headers.  From here you can edit the look and feel of your cause page.

You can also click on the ‘Settings’ header and make changes to your page such as update your charity number (if you are a charity), change your website address, add aliases and also add in payment details.



Make any changes to your cause page that you feel necessary and always remember to click ‘Save Changes’ at the bottom of the page.



Don’t worry if your cause doesn’t have a specific location, just add in your nearest town. This will help people find your charity if they want to support a local cause.

Payment Details

The most important part! We want you to raise as much money as you can for your cause and we need to make sure we can pay you. Click on ‘Settings’ in your cause dashboard.

You will then be taken to the following page where you can update all of your bank details.



Don’t worry if you don’t have these details at hand, you can still use this site and raise money when you shop. We’ll need this information sometime soon so we can pay you your donations!

Payment History

If you want to keep track of all the payments you have received this will help you. In your cause dashboard choose ‘Donations & Payments’ from the header section and you will see the following screen. After every payment is made to you the details will be recorded here for you.


Supporters’ info

After all of your hard work of inviting your friends and family, you will want to keep track of how many supporters your cause has, and this is the perfect place to find that information. In your cause dashboard, simply click on ‘Supporters’ from the header section and it will outline all of your supporters on GoRaise, how much they have raised, when they joined and when they last logged in.



You can also see how many supporters you have at a glance by clicking ‘Dashboard’ in your cause dashboard.


In the above example, there are 30 supporters.


As part of any cause, there will need to be an admin that helps to manage everything. In your cause dashboard, click ‘Dashboard’ in the header section.  This section shows who the current admin is and the date they became admin.



If you want to give more of your supporters admin access, please let us know and we can do this for you.



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